BC’s new transit-oriented development policy applied to Toronto


Jacob Dawang


November 15, 2023

BC’s new transit-oriented development policy excited housing advocates across Canada. This legislation sets a new bar for as-of-right density permissions around rapid transit and even “bus exchanges”.

Since I know many of my friends in Toronto have been waiting for their provincial government to release its policy for Toronto’s Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs), I made a map to show just how game-changing BC’s policy would be if applied to Toronto. This is only including LRT, subway and GO train stations, so not even bus exchanges.

It has layers for a summary of zoning, height (in approximate storeys) and each of the radii from BC’s new policy. You can also toggle between a regular basemap and a a satellite image basemap. Data is not easily available for secondary plans so that is one gap of the map. Hope you enjoy and find it useful!